Thursday, October 10
Noon—5:00pm PDT
UCLA Nimoy Theater
1262 Westwood Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA  90024


VISIONS Summit: LA celebrates the participatory nature of pop culture. Join a curated group of game changers for a half-day forum exploring the signals we broadcast and stories we tell about brands, and about ourselves.

VISIONS Summit: LA is a forum for up-to-the-minute discourse exploring the intersection of commerce x culture. This half-day event features a curated mix of presentations, interviews, performances and panels guaranteed to change the way you think about how we consume.

Our LA audience will hear from established and next-gen voices in equal measure, as we explore the “Participatory Nature of Pop Culture” - gaining fresh perspectives on the roles we play and the economic impacts of accelerated innovation.

Keynote Interview

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‍‍One line description goes here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin lacinia lorem vel magna fermentum, et accumsan libero lacinia. Nullam eleifend nisl eu erat accumsan, hendrerit mollis nibh venenatis. Phasellus massa nisl, pulvinar non pharetra eget, luctus in tellus.

Keynote Presenter

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‍‍One line description goes here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin lacinia lorem vel magna fermentum, et accumsan libero lacinia. Nullam eleifend nisl eu erat accumsan, hendrerit mollis nibh venenatis. Phasellus massa nisl, pulvinar non pharetra eget, luctus in tellus.

Matt Klein
Cultural Theorist and writer of ZINE

Matt Klein is a cultural theorist and strategist, making sense of emerging social shifts. As a digital anthropologist, he is an advisor to the United Nations, brands, VC investors, philanthropies, TV producers, and startups.

Featured Panelists

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‍‍One line description goes here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin lacinia lorem vel magna fermentum, et accumsan libero lacinia. Nullam eleifend nisl eu erat accumsan, hendrerit mollis nibh venenatis.

First Last

‍‍One line description goes here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin lacinia lorem vel magna fermentum, et accumsan libero lacinia. Nullam eleifend nisl eu erat accumsan, hendrerit mollis nibh venenatis.

First Last

‍‍One line description goes here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin lacinia lorem vel magna fermentum, et accumsan libero lacinia. Nullam eleifend nisl eu erat accumsan, hendrerit mollis nibh venenatis.

First Last

‍‍One line description goes here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin lacinia lorem vel magna fermentum, et accumsan libero lacinia. Nullam eleifend nisl eu erat accumsan, hendrerit mollis nibh venenatis.

First Last

‍‍One line description goes here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin lacinia lorem vel magna fermentum, et accumsan libero lacinia. Nullam eleifend nisl eu erat accumsan, hendrerit mollis nibh venenatis.

First Last

‍‍One line description goes here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin lacinia lorem vel magna fermentum, et accumsan libero lacinia. Nullam eleifend nisl eu erat accumsan, hendrerit mollis nibh venenatis.

Guest Moderators

First Last

‍‍One line description goes here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin lacinia lorem vel magna fermentum, et accumsan libero lacinia. Nullam eleifend nisl eu erat accumsan, hendrerit mollis nibh venenatis.

First Last

‍‍One line description goes here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin lacinia lorem vel magna fermentum, et accumsan libero lacinia. Nullam eleifend nisl eu erat accumsan, hendrerit mollis nibh venenatis.

Matt Klein
Cultural Theorist and writer of ZINE

Matt Klein is a cultural theorist and strategist, making sense of emerging social shifts. As a digital anthropologist, he is an advisor to the United Nations, brands, VC investors, philanthropies, TV producers, and startups.

Your Hosts

Phillip Jackson
Co-Founder, Future Commerce

Phillip is a writer, speaker, and marketer with an engaged global audience of over 100,000 executives across seven retail and digital commerce-focused content properties, including digital, print, audio, video, and immersive events.

Brian Lange
Co-Founder, Future Commerce

With over 15 years of experience in the digital space, Brian is a sought-after speaker and thought leader, sharing his insights on the evolving landscape of direct-to-consumer brands, retail media, and the future of commerce.

Highlights from VISIONS Summit: NYC

VISIONS Summit: LA, hosted at UCLA

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